the community composting podcast

Episode #25. Tim Bennett - Bennett Compost (Philly, PA)

Bennett Compost in Philadelphia, PA sets an example for the rest of us community composters who may have only started in the last few years. Tim Bennett and his team have grown to over 5,000 composters, and have partnered with the City to aggressively target and recycle food scraps. They also do a fair-share of their collections by bicycle!

Take a listen to this week’s episode as Charlie talks with one of the greats.

Episode 21. Cowboy Compost - Fort Worth, TX

A key partnership with the City of Fort Worth has put Cowboy Compost in a position where they are diverting a significant amount of food waste from the landfill. Listen as co-founder, Miguel, talks about his philosophy on running a community composting business.

Episode #8 - Strengthening the Relationship with Your Local Municipality - Vanessa Balta Cook

Listen to Charlie's latest episode interviewing The City of Winter Park’s Sustainability Director, Vanessa Balta Cook, and how local municipalities can team up with community composters.

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