If you are an O-Town subscriber, it’s time to claim your free share of compost in your customer portal. Subscribers will be able to order a share throughout March from the shop in your customer portal. See instructions below to order your share today. Happy planting y’all. 🌱🌻🌺
Episode #20. Dirt Hugger Compost (Dallesport, WA)
Pierce and his co-founder started Dirt Hugger not having experience driving a front-end loader, or having an idea which avenue of composting they wanted to focus. Most of us community composters start with a buck-shot of ideas, and it’s important for us to narrow it down.
Dirt Hugger Compost is turning thousands of tons of organic waste from Oregon and Washington into a beautifully rich compost, and distributing it to gardeners in the Columbia River Gorge.