compost for the future

Episode 26. New Earth Farm - John Cline

John is a self-proclaimed novice when it comes to composting and running a micro-hauling company. That didn’t stop him from starting New Earth Farm’s community composting initiative in St. Louis, MO. He asks the right questions, and doesn’t jump into decisions. Although, community composting is a passion, for it to be successful, you can’t think of it as a hobby, and John is doing a great job.

Episode #19. Jack Tirakyan - The Compost SuperPAC

The Next Three Elections - (‘22, ‘24, ‘26) Will Define the Next Three Decades of Climate Solutions. We’re excited to be partnering with The Compost SuperPAC , because we believe that composters’ voices need to be heard in American politics.

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Big News For Composters! Please help us Take Action!

“Currently, no federal policy exists that encourages or provides resources to mobilize a national composting effort, though several states do have policies that support and recognize the benefits of composting. Furthermore, The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) does not yet recognize composting as an approved conservation practice, thus rendering composting ineligible for USDA conservation program funding and support. Federal policy that accelerates national composting efforts will play a critical part in meeting the U.S.’ net-zero emissions goals by 2050, (ISLR article, Brenda Platt & Sophia Jones).”

O-Town Compost is leading the political movement in Central Florida throwing our support behind this Bill, which we believe will change the food waste recycling landscape in the United States with more infrastructure.

We urge our blog followers and customers to take action by following this link to send your support to Florida senators Rubio and Scott: CLICK HERE TO SHOW YOUR SUPPORT

It literally takes 10 seconds to send the pre-made template showing your support!