For the regular person, it’s not easy to decipher the difference between a bag that’s compostable and a bag that’s green-tinted plastic. As Orlando’s Community Composter, we’ve been unpleasantly surprised by compostable products and bags ending up in our collection containers that clearly label themselves as “compostable/biodegrable” but are obviously not. The fact of the matter is that producers of these products don’t take the time to test out their products, or consult the composting industry. Customers believe they’re purchasing the correct bags to breakdown in compost piles, but are being dupped by the greenwashing.
With the petition found below, we’re urging big online retailers, like Amazon, regulate and prevent sellers from greenwashing and making false claims. The responsibility for fighting contamination needs to start with the retail industry, and trickle down to the consumer, who should also learn what is and isn’t acceptable in their compost bins.
By requiring all products labeled “compostable/biodegradable” to meet either CMA or BPI certification, composters can be rest assured that the material they get isn’t going to be tricking them and polluting the earth. Not to mention, composters like us would love to not have to be the police.
Composting Advocacy Opportunities
To achieve the goal of a Zero Waste Central Florida, it’s going to take political advocacy and action at the community grassroots level. Going forward, we want to bring together our subscribers, who are willing to write, call, and canvass for political change in support of food waste recycling.
Our subscribers are already doing a lot, diverting their household’s food scraps from the landfill, and deserve all the praise. Although, to live in a zero waste society, we need to unify our voice.
Click on the link below, and send us an email letting us know you’re interested in joining the Composting Advocacy Group, and we’ll be in touch shortly with more information about our efforts. Members of The Compost Advocacy Group will be subject to discounts, and promo codes.
I'm interested in being more active in further composting in Central Florida. CLICK HERE.
O-Town Compost doesn’t take bio-plastics, but accepts paper, bagasse, wood, and bamboo products
Over a quarter million pounds were kept from the landfill in October!!