O-Town Compost funds the Construction of a Community Garden's Compost System

Apopka’s ABDC Garden Gets A New Compost System

 The ABDC Garden in Apopka, FL was founded to provide a safe place for community members to grow their own food and to share gardening education with all who visit. At ABDC Garden we also donate fresh produce to the food bank, Loaves and Fishes. 

For over 10 years the garden has served our community and last year we were overjoyed to receive a generous grant of 47k  from the Orlando Regional Realtors Association. The volunteer Garden management team worked hard to thoughtfully allocate the grant money to improve existing infrastructure and to expand our ability to host events for the community, such as gardening and seed saving workshops. 

The garden improvement plan also included plans for an updated compost system. The shortage of local, high quality compost means that creating our own compost is imperative. The updated house compost system will significantly improve our soil for healthier plants and more nutritious crops. 

     Unfortunately, the ABDC Garden has experienced a set of challenging circumstances whereby some of our funding was lost and the work was not completed. The garden team was heartbroken to see the completion of our compost system grind to a halt. 

        As luck would have it, a generous local business heard about our loss and stepped up to help complete the compost system! Charlie Pioli of O-Town Compost is a friend of the ABDC garden. He has helped educate garden management staff and members on how to successfully create compost and when he got word that the gardens compost system was in distress, he offered to donate the $300 that was needed to complete our compost project! 

     Thanks to the help of OTown Compost, our garden team will move forward on building a multi bay compost system. Check out our garden design below. ABDC garden would like to extend our most heart felt thanks to Charlie and O-Town Compost for saving the day… and our soil! 

Composting Advocacy Opportunities

To achieve the goal of a Zero Waste Central Florida, it’s going to take political advocacy and action at the community grassroots level. Going forward, we want to bring together our subscribers, who are willing to write, call, and canvass for political change in support of food waste recycling.

Our subscribers are already doing a lot, diverting their household’s food scraps from the landfill, and deserve all the praise. Although, to live in a zero waste society, we need to unify our voice.

Click on the link below, and send us an email letting us know you’re interested in joining the Composting Advocacy Group, and we’ll be in touch shortly with more information about our efforts. Members of The Compost Advocacy Group will be subject to discounts, and promo codes.

I'm interested in being more active in further composting in Central Florida. CLICK HERE.

O-Town Compost doesn’t take bio-plastics, but accepts paper, bagasse, wood, and bamboo products