4 Roots Farm Campus - Orlando's Sustainability Incubator

We’re declaring Orlando as the country’s “The Green Silicon Valley.” Not for innovative new technologies that make life digitally faster, but by bringing back the community-model of local dependence and giving it a contemporary spin.

O-Town Compost, The Farmacy, and 4 Roots formed a unity to make a better food future in Central Florida by repairing the broken food system and making sure that our organic waste is going back into creating more food. It’s the old circular economy that businesses love to use as a buzz phrase, but rarely is achieved in totality. The 4 Roots warehouse, located in The Packing District, now serves as a co-op workspace for Feed The Need, The Farmacy, and O-Town Compost.


Our subscribers, by now, have probably received a flyer to The Farmacy’s online shop making anyone’s mouth water for the organic food easily available. Unlike the meat, dairy, and produce you buy from Publix or Aldi’s, The Farmacy sources all their food locally within 50 miles or so, maintaining the nutritional value for people to consume and reap the health benefits. It’s preventative medicine. The carrot sitting on display in Publix may look like a carrot, but, biologically, it’s dead and was most likely grown with synthetic fertilizers, herbicides, and pesticides. You can order online from their website, or find them every Saturday at the Winter Garden Farmer’s Market with their massive farm stand.

O-Town Compost assures that any unsold produce doesn’t find it’s unfortunate end in the smelly landfill. It’s very easy for us to place our bins in the large commercial cooler, or along the donation bagging line to catch any spoiled food. The operation inside the warehouse has been thought out from beginning to end, which we want to become the new norm for Central Florida. Since, we formed our partnership with 4 Roots and The Farmacy, we have diverted over 5 tons of food scraps just from the warehouse alone!